Njoftime Eurorajoni Adriatiko-Jonian vlerëson rolin e Qarkut të Tiranës në strategjitë europiane 25/02/2019
Njoftime Vice President of the Adriatic-Ionian Euroregion meets with the Croatia’s Ambassador in Tirana 21/02/2019
Njoftime Zv. Presidenti i Eurorajonit Adriatiko-Jonian takohet me ambasadoren e Kroacisë në Tiranë 20/02/2019
Njoftime CPMR supports the European Parliament’s Report on supporting regional cohesion and investment 19/02/2019
Njoftime “Discover Bashtova”, a cooperation agreement signed between Tirana Region and ODA Association for promotion of cultural tourism 19/02/2019
Njoftime CPMR mbështet raportin e Parlamentit Europian për mbështetjen e kohezionit rajonal dhe investimeve 15/02/2019
Njoftime “Zbulo Bashtovën”, marrëveshje bashkëpunimi me Qarkut të Tiranës dhe shoqatës ODA për promovimin e turizmit kulturor 14/02/2019
Njoftime There is launched the call for the Adriatic Start-up School 2019, covering projects on the field of culture in the Adriatic Macro-region 13/02/2019
Njoftime The exhibition “L’eterno femminino” with the theme “Representation of the Albanian woman from the twentieth century to the present day” opens in Tirana 13/02/2019
Njoftime It is constructed the new drinking water supply line at Str. “Babë Rexha”, benefiting 13 thousand inhabitants 13/02/2019