Njoftime As a sign of a good cooperation between Tirana and Molise Regions was inaugurated the statue of Albania National Hero, George Castriotas Scanderbeg, in the city of Portocannone, Italy 23/04/2019
Njoftime Tirana Regional Council was part of the discussions at the INTERREG MED Program for Strategic Project Workshop, in Marseille France 23/04/2019
Njoftime Qarku Tiranë, pjesë e diskutimeve në seminarin e Projekteve Strategjike të Programit INTERREG MED, Marsejë, Francë 18/04/2019
Njoftime Bashkëpunimi mes Rajoneve Tiranë-Molise, përurohet busti i Skënderbeut në qytetin e Portocannones, Itali 16/04/2019
Njoftime Orienting young people towards vocational education as an important challenge of our country 09/04/2019
Njoftime Consultative Council, Mr. Dalipi: Consultation between levels of government need for coordination and dialogue 09/04/2019
Njoftime President of the Tirana Region welcomes the Secretary General of the Qatar Red Crescent 09/04/2019
Njoftime Land Management and Protection; Regional Council of Tirana held a meeting to solve the problems related to LMP 09/04/2019
Njoftime Orientimi i të rinjve drejt arsimit profesional, një sfidë e rëndësishme në vendin tonë 05/04/2019