Njoftime The thematic group of decentralization with a specific focus on updating the action plan of the decentralization strategy 23/07/2019
Njoftime AI – NURECC focuses on local community development and how it can help develop the pillars of EUSAIR 19/07/2019
Njoftime Grupi tematik i decentralizimit me fokus specifik përditësimin e planit të veprimit te strategjisë së decentralizimit 19/07/2019
Njoftime AI – NURECC i jep rëndësi përqasjes së zhvillimit të komunitetit lokal dhe se si mund të ndihmojë në zhvillimin e shtyllave të EUSAIR 17/07/2019
Njoftime Experience in European projects, Tirana Regional Council was welcomed at the Sarajevo’s conference 17/06/2019
Njoftime The Association of Albanian regional councils evaluates the role of the Congress of Regional and Local Authorities 17/06/2019
Njoftime Consecutive Tirana Municipal Council session was held and, its agenda was about approving several important decisions 17/06/2019